How to Create a Digital Board Meeting

Going digital is a sensible solution for nonprofit organizations that are forced to postpone board meetings due to the coronavirus epidemic. This transition can be difficult for some boards. The right strategy can help them overcome these hurdles and make the transition easy for everyone involved.

The first step is to choose the most reliable video conferencing software that allows your board members to collaborate and communicate effectively, no matter their location. Also, make sure the software comes with a range of features to encourage participation and increase engagement. For instance, a video option can ensure that participants are not distracted by other people in the room and that they observe board guidelines for meeting conduct.

Create an agenda with specific discussion topics and the goal of achieving. This will let you quickly move from one topic to the next, and increase productivity. Setting a clear purpose for each meeting will assist the chair to keep the meeting on track and on target.

Another crucial aspect of an online board meeting is to record the minutes. This will be helpful for future readers, who may not be able to attend the meeting. When recording the minutes, try to strike a balance between a thoroughness and a conciseness to cover all the important information discussed during the meeting. Additionally, you should include all decisions made by the board during the meeting along with the reasons behind the decision. This will help explain the decision to anyone who was not able to attend the meeting.

board meeting preparation checklist