'Urbanism Notebooks' Presentation

Our urbanism teacher Mr. Luis Rodríguez-Avial Llardent presents his two books “Cuadernos de Urbanismo I y II” Those books are the result of a whole life dedicated to urbanismo and its teaching, Luis has donated them to UFV Arcitecture School with this two impressive publications, useful for the teaching of Urbanism at our



- 3:00 pm


Aula 1.9 H   View map

Our urbanism teacher Mr. Luis Rodríguez-Avial Llardent presents his two books “Cuadernos de Urbanismo I y II”

Those books are the result of a whole life dedicated to urbanismo and its teaching,

Luis has donated them to UFV Arcitecture School with this two impressive publications, useful for the teaching of Urbanism at our school.

Guests invited

  •  José María Álvarez del Manzano. (Madrid’s Mayor from 1991 to 2003)
  • José María Ezquiaga Domínguez. (Architect’s Official School Director)
  • Dña. Leticia Rosillo Portalatín (UFV Architect and Optimus Prize 2013-14)